Card readers

Contact us

With us, you will find a variety of card readers that are highly user-friendly and are adapted for all types of companies and businesses. Our card readers work for, among others, the following passage systems; Aptus, Axema, RCO, Solid / Arx, Bewator and more. Most card readers are available in different designs and are used for entering a door by reading a digital key such as an ID card or keyfob. If you want to buy one of our card readers that does not have a price, please contact us for a quote.


Desktop Reader Lectio EM
Article no: 7315
3 750,00 kr
Desktop Reader Lectio Mifare
Article no: 7316
3 750,00 kr
Desktop Reader Lectio EM/Mifare
Article no: 7319
4 950,00 kr


Card Reader Certio EM without Keypad
Article no: 7305
Requests for quotation
Card Reader Certio Mifare without Keypad
Article no: 7307
Requests for quotation


Desktop Reader Imago EM
Article no: 7310
2 750,00 kr
Desktop Reader Imago Mifare UID
Article no: 7320
2 750,00 kr
Desktop Reader Imago Mifare Sektor
Article no: 7325
2 990,00 kr
Desktop Reader Imago FSK
Article no: 7330
3 150,00 kr

Do you have any questions about our card readers or want a quote?

Please fill in your contact details and we will get back to you shortly.